In negotiations, present other competing offers from different suppliers as alternatives. This tactic is effective for demonstrating to your current supplier that you have more attractive options available, which can lead to better pricing or terms. Be specific about the competitor's offering and how it compares to the price from etailinsights.
Request the removal of any auto-renewal clauses from your contract. This is particularly useful for maintaining negotiation leverage each renewal cycle and ensures you aren't automatically locked into unfavorable terms in the future.
Negotiate for discounts on added features or security measures that are not standard, especially if they are needed for compliance. Use the argument that multiple vendors provide these features as part of their standard offering, emphasizing that cost should reflect this.
During the renewal, negotiate to waive overage charges by highlighting that your usage patterns are stable or may start to decline. Stress that any overages incurred reflect a misunderstanding of your needs, and request transparency from the seller regarding usage to build your case.
Push to remove any proposed uplift in costs for the coming year by demonstrating that your usage is not expanding significantly and that your budget constraints demand that you avoid such increases. Use a comparison of market standards as a reference point for why this increase is unreasonable.