Presenting competitive alternatives during negotiations can significantly enhance your bargaining position. You should inform Pipedrive that you have received a quote from a competitor that offers similar services at a significantly lower price. Use this information to initiate discussions about pricing adjustments or additional features. Highlighting your evaluation process not only communicates a readiness to switch but also emphasizes cost sensitivity, making Pipedrive more inclined to adjust your terms.
You should leverage the removal of auto-renewal terms as a prerequisite to proceeding with Pipedrive. Emphasize that your finance department requires clarity and negotiability in contracts, especially regarding renewal terms, in order to avoid being locked into an unfavorable situation. This tactic can help secure better pricing or terms aligned with your current usage.
Highlight to Pipedrive that your budget forecasts anticipated no uplift on expenses. Given your stable usage and the need for predictable pricing, request that any proposed uplift for the upcoming term be waived. This tactic is especially effective if you can ground your request in past agreements that did not feature annual increases. It conveys that you expect consistent pricing as a condition for renewal.
If your company plans to scale its usage or increase the number of licenses after evaluating Pipedrive, use this to negotiate better per-user rates. Emphasizing growth creates bargaining leverage for decreased costs per seat. Set the expectation that scaling should come with favorable pricing adjustments, ideally including a tiered pricing model reflecting the anticipated increased user base.
During negotiations with Pipedrive, confirm if any previously obtained discounts were described as one-time only. Suggest that you are looking for a similar discount for the renewal period. If the supplier appears firm on discount classifications, use this time to remind them of your account's potential longevity and the potential for future savings. This retrospective visibility can open doors for better pricing.