Leverage offers from competitors by sharing quotes to reinforce your position. Mention that competitors have offered lower prices or better terms to create urgency for your preferred vendor to respond favorably.
Gather detailed insights on your current usage across the various tiered product offerings and evaluate whether you are over-contracted for the services you need. This can lead to a reduction in your overall costs by adjusting the contract to reflect actual utilization.
Emphasize the importance of having the ability to vet future contracts thoroughly without being locked into an auto-renewal. Articulating finance's requirement for manual renewal can help in negotiating better terms.
Anchor your discussions around the need for cost stability, especially if budget forecasts do not support any uplift in costs. Casually bring in market comparatives that showcase that other vendors provide more favorable terms for similar products.
Communicate to SalesIntel about potential scaling up of users due to anticipated growth. This can be proposed as a way to negotiate economies of scale which could significantly lower costs per user.
If incorporating more advanced features or security enhancements, request discounts or incentives based on the competitive landscape, where similar features might be offered at no extra cost by competitors.