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SugerVendr Verified badge
$15,000$30,739per year
Fast, fair, easy pricing. No sales call required.


Vendr Verified badge

Suger is a marketplace platform to manage product listings, offers, contracts, metering, and billing.

Unlock exclusive savings with Vendr Verified pricingAvailable in AWS marketplace
Save up to
$1,800on Suger Starter
Vendr gets you fair software pricing with pre-negotiated deals backed by 30,000+ transactions—no negotiations needed.
Why buying with AWS Marketplace is a win-win
  • Simplified procurement - easy to purchase and deploy with just a few clicks.
  • Consolidated billing - all billing in one place.
  • Scalable and flexible deployment.
  • Enhanced security and compliance.

About Suger

Suger Overview

Suger is a marketplace platform to manage product listings, offers, contracts, metering, and billing.

Suger's 1 Product

Suger logo

Suger is a marketplace platform to manage product listings, offers, contracts, metering, and billing.

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AI Quote Analysis

Upload your quote to check if you’re getting a fair price, under 2 minutes and completely free.Chart showing an example of a price range
Chart showing an example of a price range