Leverage competing offers by presenting quotes from other providers to negotiate a better price or terms. Communicate to Tealium that your finance team is considering alternatives which may offer similar functionalities at lower costs, emphasizing your preference for their services while highlighting cost constraints.
If you are open to a longer contract, emphasize the rarity of multi-year agreements in your organization, which could help secure significant discounts. Frame it as a request for stability that also provides Tealium the assurance of commitment from your side.
If your usage diminishes or is expected to, emphasize your budget constraints and communicate that a significant price increase is unacceptable. Let Tealium know that you are considering a reduction in services or users, which necessitates a reevaluation of the pricing presented.
Offer to act as a reference or participate in a case study if they meet your desired pricing and terms. This can be presented as a valuable marketing opportunity for Tealium that could potentially warrant a discount.
During discussions, address the possibility of waiving overage fees or negotiating terms that make these renegotiable if they arise. Reference your original contract to leverage against unexpected fees and excessive costs.