Emphasizing the removal of auto-renewal clauses in your contract can provide significant leverage during negotiations. Since your finance team requires that no engagements have auto-renewal, make it clear that this is a non-negotiable item for proceeding. This approach can help in negotiating better pricing terms or reducing costs.
Customers negotiating for contract renewals have seen success by emphasizing strict budget constraints, particularly regarding uplifts. Remind the vendor that your expectation was for stable pricing despite any increase in the product suite. This tactic anchors your negotiating position powerfully when seeking to remove any proposed uplift.
Presenting competing offers can significantly strengthen your negotiating position. Let Clozd know that you are also evaluating other solutions, highlighting any lower prices from competitors. Present this information transparently to apply pressure and motivate Clozd to offer a more competitive rate.
Offering to participate in a case study or serve as a reference can be a strong bargaining chip. Present this 'give' while negotiating to leverage better terms or price reductions; emphasize how your participation could enhance their marketing efforts, which can reciprocate value in the form of lower costs.
Before finalizing any contract proposal, ensure that the usage metrics you have seen align with what is being charged. Request data from Clozd regarding user count and profile usage; use this information to challenge any additional charges for features or services that are not being utilized effectively.