Presenting competitors as a viable alternative can give you significant leverage in negotiations. Highlight the pricing from competitors and any added value they might offer. This tactic increases the urgency for the current provider to match or improve upon competitor offers.
If you plan to substantially increase the number of users or integrations during the renewal process, emphasize the need for volume-based discounts. By showcasing your growth, you may secure a better rate that reflects the increased utilization.
Negotiating to remove auto-renewal clauses can preserve your bargaining power for future negotiations. Present it as a necessity for compliance with finance/legal requirements, which can help you secure a more favorable pricing structure moving forward.
If a 'Best and Final' price has been presented, conduct a pricing assessment against market standards. Ensure that proposed pricing aligns with the value offered and leverage this information to negotiate further reductions.
Negotiating for the removal of any proposed uplift can often yield savings, especially if your usage remains stable or is decreasing. Be prepared to anchor the conversation around your allocated budget and industry norms for the pricing increase.
Offering to participate in case studies or act as a reference can provide you with leverage for price reductions. This non-monetary 'give' can strengthen the relationship while securing a better deal.